VOICES – (Date TBA) Creator / Director / Producer
An original theatrical work focused on genocide awareness that takes advantage of intermedial theatre techniques and internet connectivity to bring performers together from around the world; Africa, Asia and the Pacific Rim, the Middle East, South America, North America, and Europe; to develop, rehearse, and perform for a globally connected audience in real time.
AMERICA LIVE! – (April 2011) Producer / Performer
An original, media infused, multi-location, interactive performance event satirizing political television and games show integrating live performance, touch screen technologies, mobile applications, live video, push text messaging (SMS), multiple projection rasters, composite video, photographs, graphics and sound. Developed in collaboration with Jeff Wirth, Interactive Performance Artist, this production was webcast live.
ROCK SHOW – (January 2011) Co-Producer
An original interactive performance event presented as part of a University wide alcohol-awareness event (Late Nite BU) integrating live performance, touch screen technologies, mobile applications, live video, push text messaging (SMS), multiple projection rasters, composite video, photographs, graphics and sound.
A CHRISTMAS CAROL – (December 2009) Director / Adaptor / Producer
An original adaptation of Dickens’ holiday classic integrating reflective display technologies, augmented reality (AR), live video, multiple projection rasters, composite video, photographs, graphics and sound.
CHRISTIE’S “SEEDING THE LEAD” PROJECT – July 2009: Director / Playwright
Developed in collaboration with Christie, the Stratford Institute, and the University of Waterloo. Created as part of the “Seeding The Lead” initiative funded through the Ontario Research Fund, this original fully mediatized production highlighted Christie’s new innovative display technologies for theatrical use. The performance was presented at the Lower Ossington Theatre in Toronto, Ontario in July 2009. The production was attended by representatives from such premier theatre and cultural venues as Stratford Festival, Shaw Festival, Cirque de Soleil, Royal Ontario Museum, Canadian Opera Company, City of Toronto events, and Harbourfront, as well as executives for Christie and the University of Waterloo.
THE ORESTEIA – November 2008: Co-Director / Adaptor / Producer
A fully mediatized production integrating avatar performers, 5.1surround sound, push text messaging (SMS), virtual scenery, recorded video, photographs, graphics and sound
RED TIE GALA – April 2008: Co-Director / Producer
Awarded the Pride of CASE V Gold Award for Excellence in Special Events – Individual Event.
A media infused performance event celebrating the start of the Campaign for a Bradley Renaissance. Production included arena staging, multiple projection rasters, live musicians and dancers, live and recorded video, animation, text messaging (SMS,) photographs, graphics, sound, teleprompters, fog jets, and confetti/streamer cannons.
ALICE (EXPERIMENTS) IN WONDERLAND – January 2008: Production Coordinator / Co-director
Awarded the 2008 ORION Learning Award of Merit
A fully mediatized production integrating virtual scenery, broadcast video via Internet 2, recorded video, avatar performers, photographs, graphics and sound developed in collaboration between Bradley University, the University of Central Florida, and the University of Waterloo in Ontario. Presented over Internet2 to live audience at all three locations in real time.
THE ADDING MACHINE – March 2007: Co-creator / Director
Awarded the 2008 Internet2 IDEA Award
A fully mediatized production integrating virtual scenery, broadcast video via Internet 2, recorded video, avatar performers, photographs, graphics and sound developed in collaboration between Bradley University, the University of Waterloo in Ontario, and the University of Central Florida. This event was presented live at Bradley University and via Internet2 to remote audiences at the University of Waterloo.
CASCANDO – November 2006: Performer
A collaboration between Bradley University and the University of Waterloo, Ontario that was developed and presented over Internet2 to live audience in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Develop for the International Beckett Symposium and presented as part of the Contemporary Art & New Media Series at the Blackwood Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
THE DREAM PLAY – December 2005: Principal director and performer (Indra)
A mediatized collaboration between Bradley University and the University of Waterloo, Ontario that was developed and presented over Internet2 to live audience in both locations and streamed via Internet2 and commodity Internet to over 1000 viewers in 40 countries, 6 continents (including 42 states of the USA) as part of Megaconference VII.
THE BECKETT PROJECT – April 2005: Director (Catastrophe)
A collaboration between Bradley University and the University of Waterloo, Ontario that was developed and presented over Internet2 to live audience in both locations. Developed for Discovery Forum 2005.
THE LARAMIE PROJECT – November 2004: Director
A fully mediatized production integrating broadcast video, recorded video, photographs, graphics and sound. Presented at Bradley University.
THE ANTIGONE PROJECT – July 2003: Co- director and performer (Creon)
A collaboration between Bradley University and the University of Central Florida that was developed andpresented over Internet2 to live audience in both locations.
“The Adding Machine: Remote Digital Storytelling and Performance,” G. Brown & J. Ferolo, New Media Consortium Summer Conference Proceedings, May 2008
“Convergence and Creativity in Telematic Performance: The Adding Machine,” G. Brown & G. Hauck, Culture, Language and Representation, Volume 5, May 2008
“Reinventing The Stage”, G. Brown, Proceedings of the Eighth IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education, ACTA Press, August 2005
“Arts Go The Distance”, J. Shafer, G. Brown, B. Boyd, D. Marino, & D. Merritt, EDUCAUSE Quarterly – Volume 28, Number 2, April-June 2005
Stein Exhibit: December 2009 – A multi-artist exploration of Kevin Stein’s poem “On Being a Nielsen Family.”
Name of Piece: We are watched watching, watching ourselves watched.
Medium: Multi-camera /multi-display Interactive telematic installation piece
Description:We all have a public face and a private face, even in our television viewing habits. If we knew we were being watched would we change those habits? Would we care? Would it matter? This installation piece will explore those questions voyeuristically using two interactive viewing stations telematically connected where participants can opt through a remote control interface to watch preselected programming, others watching the preselected programming or themselves.
Editorial Committee – Center for Research on Intermediality (CRI), Université de Montréal.
Intermédialités – Mettre en scène
Publication in Spring 2010
Scientific Committee – Conference Proceedings
Intermediality, Theatricality, Performance, (re)-Presentation and the New Media
Spring 2008
International Federation of Theatre Research Intermediality Working Group 2007 – 2012
Center for Research on Intermediality (CRI) Full Member 2008 – Present
Associate Member 2007 – 2008
Conference Organizer / Scientific Committee 2007
New Media Consortium Member 2008
Conference Organizer / Scientific Committee
Intermediality, Theatricality, Performance, (re)-Presentation and the New Media
International conference organized by the Centre for Research on Intermediality (CRI) at the University of Montreal and the Laboratoire des nouvelles technologies de l’images, du son et de la scene of the University Laval a Quebec (LANTISS) – Montreal and Quebec City, May 24 – 29, 2007
NEXT STEPS: New Media Experimentation Case Studies Panel Chair / Session Coordinator
National Association of Schools of Theatre Conference, Chicago, IL, March 26 – 28, 2009
The Adding Machine: Remote Digital Storytelling and Performance Co-Presentation with Jim Ferolo
New Media Consortium Summer Conference, Princeton, NJ, June 11 – 14, 2008
Convergence and Creativity in Telematic Performances: Alice (Experiments) in Wonderland
Co-Presentation with Gerd Hauck
Technology in the Arts Conference, Waterloo, ON – May 9 & 10, 2008
Multi-site Telematic Performance Performance and Master Class Production Workshop
Internet2 and the New World Symphony, Miami, FL – February11-13, 2008
The Adding Machine
Panel Discussion – Bradley University Theatre production of The Adding Machine.
Internet 2 Membership Meeting, San Diego, CA – October 2007
Convergence, Collaboration, and Connectivity – Creating a new paradigm of experiential learning through technology, intermediality, and the art of theatre.
Panel Presentation: Paper “The Making of The Adding Machine”
10th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2007);
Beijing, China – October 2007
Projecting In Thin Air: The Adding Machine
Invited Speaker – Live Design Projection Master Classes
LDI 2007, Orlando, FL – November 2007
Voices – A New Telematic / Intermedial Theatre Project
Invited Speaker – Megaconference IX
November 2007
The Adding Machine: Playing with New Media
All Conference Presentation – Intermediality, Theatricality, Performance, (re)-Presentation and the New Media
LANTISS, Quebec City, Quebec, May 29, 2007
Cyberperformance – The Impact of Integrating Technology into Live Performance
Conference Wide Panel Discussion: Panel Chair and paper presentation “The Director in Cyberspace”
International University Theatre Association (IUTA) VIth World Congress; Urbino, Italy – July 2006
Geography is Destiny: Connecting Worldwide, Real-Time Learning Environments Through Internet2 Conference Wide Panel Discussion: Paper presentation “Re-Inventing the Stage”
8th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2005);
Aruba – August 2005
The Antigone Project: Theatre Collaborations via Internet2
Association for Theatre in Higher Education; Toronto, Ont., Canada – August 2004
THEATRE AND NEW MEDIA – Fall 2006 and Fall 2009; Co-Instructor (Professor of Record)
New course development – an innovative project-based, cross-discipline / inter-institution course facilitated between Bradley University and the University of Waterloo in Ontario. The co-taught interdisciplinary class engaged students and faculty from the disciplines of Theatre (performance, design, and production areas), Multi-media, Graphic Design, TV Production, and Computer Science (Networking and Software Development). Connected through Internet2 and the Canarie network, faculty, staff and students from both institutions along with partners at the University of Central Florida collaborated together to explore emerging technologies, problem-solve intermedial practices, and develop processes and techniques necessary to create telematic theatre.
TELEMATIC THEATRE WORKSHOP – January 2007: Instructor
“It’s like a Sony Playstation Onstage!”: New Media and 21st Century Theatre
A hands-on telematic theatre workshop presented at the 32nd Illinois High School Theatre Festival, Urbana, IL focused on performer interactivity, telepresence, and developing dynamic character relationships in a virtual environment.
TELEMATIC PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP – September 2004: Co-Instructor
Facilitated a telematic performance workshop between Bradley University and the University of Waterloo, Ontario via Internet2 focused on performer interactivity, telepresence, and developing dynamic character relationships via cyberspace.