Administrative and Leadership Experience

Leadership has always been prominent in my career, both in the professional theatre and the academy, and has been rewarded with many significant acknowledgements, including the President’s Appreciation Award and the Theodore C. Burgess Award for Excellence in Interdepartmental Collaboration from Bradley University. I am currently serving as Associate Dean of the College of Fine Arts at Western Michigan University and am committed to advancing the many leadership opportunities in my new portfolio. Prior to this appointment, I served as the chair of both the Department of Theatre Arts (2002-2012) and the Department of Interactive Media (2011-2012), as chair of the Mission Revision Subcommittee as part of Bradley University’s Strategic Planning Committee and as one of the authors of the preliminary draft of the strategic plan. Also at Bradley, I was honored to sit by Provost appointment on the Dean’s Search Committee for the Foster College of Business (2012), and to collaborate as an elected member at large on the University Senate Executive Committee. Finally, from 2010 to 2012, I served as the President of ArtsPartners of Central Illinois, a regional arts agency. My service as an academic leader and administrator is guided by my life’s goal to be a part of an artistic home of significance; a place where creativity is nourished, hard work and working smart is respected, communication in all its forms – written, verbal, musical, kinetic, and visual – is foundational, and passion for the arts and academic excellence is the natural result of the collaborative process.


Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI                            2002 – Present

Associate Dean – College of Fine Arts (July 2002 – Present)

Rank: Professor of Theatre

  • Responsibilities include:
    • Facilitate the professional development of faculty.
    • Identify and secure external funds and opportunities for faculty research and creative endeavors.
    • Serve as liaison to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
    • Oversee collegiate curriculum planning; including collaborative degree offerings, program review and assessment including accreditation.
    • Lead the college technology committee; coordinate a variety of outreach activities including recruitment initiatives, service learning, and international education.
  • University Committees:
    • Kellogg Racial Healing Advisory Board
    • Academic Program Review and Planning Management Team (APR&P)
    • University Strategic Planning Operations Team (USPOT)
    • Community Outreach and Engaged Scholarship Tactical Action Committee (TAC)
    • Research Advisory Team
    • Web Governance Team
    • Office of Faculty Development Advisory Committee
  • College Committees:
    • College Assessment Committee (Chair)
    • College Technology Committee (Chair)
    • College Curriculum Committee (ex officio)
    • College Advisory Council
    • College Leadership Team
    • Technology Vision Team

Accomplishments and In-Progress Initiatives

  • Initiated Out-Of State (Texas) Recruitment program  – 2014
  • Coordinating reimplementation of Industrial Design program – 2013/14
  • Facilitating exploration of a Digital Arts/Interactive Media program – 2012/13
  • Coordinated with ArtServe Michigan on the development of a Arts and Entrepreneurship program – 2012/13
  • Collaborated with Haworth College of Business to develop a university wide Entrepreneurship program – 2013
  • Successfully petitioned university for space in Middle Kohrman Hall to develop a new dance studio – 2013
  • Developed the college narrative and approach to discovery-driven endeavors – 2013
  • Facilitated a comprehensive usage audit of all CFA spaces – 2013
  • Initiated the college’s social media presence – 2013
  • Coordinated the migration of the college website to Drupal content management system – 2012/13
  • Supporting ongoing efforts with faculty to secure funding – 2012/13
    • Established the Grant Writing Group – 2012
    • Work with faculty on individual grant submissions
    • Serve as liaison with Brain Lab
    • Served as reviewer for NEH
  • Coordinating college participation in university sustainability efforts – 2012/13
  • Coordinating and facilitating conversations on STEM to SteAm efforts – 2012/13
  • Coordinating the reorganization and operations of the Multi-Media Room – 2012/13
  • Participating and supporting the college’s development activities – 2012/13
    • Collaboratively working with the Dean to advance the college’s development efforts
    • Participating in donor events
      • Medici Society
      • Dessert with the Dean
      • Donor recognition events
      • Other various receptions
    • Interacting as requested with College’s Advisory Board and individual donors
    • Participating in fund-raising events
    • Dancing with the Stars – 2012
  • Established the Technology Interest Group – 2012
    • Coordinating opportunity to host international conference on Intermediality with CRI (University of Montreal)


Bradley University, Peoria, IL                                                            2002 – 2012

Chair – Department of Theatre Arts (2002 – 2012)

Interim Chair – Department of Interactive Media (2011 – 2012)

Rank: Professor of Theatre

Responsibilities included:

  • Serve as Theatre Executive for the Department of Theatre Arts
    • Reelected for four consecutive 3-year terms
  • Serve as Interim Chair for the Department of Interactive Media
    • Sabbatical Support Assignment for the 2011-2012 academic year
  • Serve as Co-Director of the InterMedia Center (IMC)
  • Serve as Producer for Bradley University Theatre (Detailed below)
  • Teach discipline specific courses in theatre
  • Direct one to two productions annually
  • Develop and implement departmental strategic plan
  • Improve academic programs
  • Manage department budget and facilities
  • Administer scholarship programs
  • Recruit and retain excellent faculty, students, and staff
  • Administer faculty retention, promotion, and tenure procedures
  • Participate in strategic planning as part of the Dean’s executive committee
  • Work with internal and external constituencies to enhance active support
  • Facilitate department development activities
  • Oversee marketing of programs and development of recruiting materials

Major departmental accomplishments during my tenure as chair:

  • Revised Department Mission, Vision, and Values Statement – 2002
  • Developed and implemented a Strategic Growth Plan – 2003
  • Facilitated Academic Program Review (APR)  – April 2003
  • Facilitated Adopt-A-Theatre-Seat campaign ($50,572.00 raised) – 2003
  • Developed a comprehensive facility renovation plan for the Hartmann Center – 2004
  • Achieved NAST accreditation – March 2004
  • Renovated Meyer Jacobs Theatre – July 2004
  • Facilitated a comprehensive curriculum review to revise BA / BS degrees – 2005
  • Revised Department retention, promotion, and tenure procedures – 2005
  • Revised Theatre Arts Curriculum and submitted for University approval – 2006/2007
  • Installed wireless connectivity and Internet2 Fiber into the Hartmann Center – July 2006
  • Renovated student study areas and support office spaces in the Hartmann Center – July 2006
  • Developed comprehensive academic assessment program- 2007/2008
  • Redesigned and published new departmental website – 2007
  • Coordinated and hosted internationally recognized Iben lecturers including:
    • Ed Stern – Cincinnati Playhouse (2003)
    • Dennis Krausnick – Shakespeare & Company (2003)
    • Mary Zimmerman – Lookingglass Theatre (2004)
    • Chuck Davis – African American Dance Ensemble (2004)
    • Costas Canstanas – Greek National Theatre (2004)
    • Dell’Arte Players (2005)
    • Curt Tofteland – Shakespeare Behind Bars (2005)
    • The Builders Association (2006)
    • Jose Rivera – Playwright (2007)
    • Nathan Allen – The House Theatre (2007)
    • Leslie Lewis Sword – Miracle in Rwanda (2007)
    • The House Theatre Company (2008 – 2009)
    • Awarded the Theodore C. Burgess Award for Excellence in Interdepartmental Collaboration – 2008
    • Facility Addition: Opened the InterMedia Center, a lab / instruction space for intermedial projects – 2009
    • Facility Addition: Secured and renovated new Costume Studio, a 1100 sq ft instruction/design space – 2010
      • Renovation completed Summer 2011
      • Facility Renovation: Secured $100,000 gift to renovate Lab Theatre – 2010
        • Renovation completed Summer 2011
        • Achieved reaccreditation and full membership in the National Association of Schools of Theatre – 2011

University Committees

  • Provost Representative: Dean Search Committee – Foster School of Business: 2011
  • University Strategic Planning Committee: 2010 -11
    • Chair – Mission Revision Subcommittee
    • Editor – Strategic Plan Draft
  • Provost Search Committee: 2009 – 2010
  • Provost Search Committee – 2009 – Present
  • University Senate – Executive Committee (Elected Member at Large) – 2008 – 2012
  • NCA Reaccredidation Taskforce – 2009 – Present
    • Member – Acquisition, Discovery, and Application of Knowledge Committee
  • Committee for Academic Technology Excellence (CATE)
    • Chair – Sub-committee on Constituent Faculty Needs
  • Bradley University Campus Conversations Series  (BUCCS)
  • Provost Search Committee (2006)
  • Undergraduate Research Committee
  • University Senate
  • Strategic Planning
  • Taskforce to Improve Human Relations
  • Multicultural Services Advisory Committee

Slane College of Communications and Fine Arts Committees

  • Executive Committee
  • Personnel Committee
  • Technology Committee

The Department of Interactive Media

  • Department Personnel Committee

Producer – Bradley University Theatre

The Department of Theatre Arts holds a unique position among academic units on the campus that in addition to fulfilling our essential role in extending a comprehensive education to Bradley students, we also present a public performance season that is in scope comparable to a professional resident theatre company. As Producer of Bradley University Theatre, my essential goal is to integrate our collaborative artistry into the life of the university. I see our theatre season as a meta-curricular activity that allows our campus community a window to explore ethical dilemmas, question life choices, and celebrate our humanity.

Responsibilities included:

  • Produce a 6 – 8 event main stage theatre season and supervise a 3 – 6 event lab theatre season including:
    • Administration, budget oversight, budget planning, purchasing, fund raising, grant writing, personnel, facility oversight, scheduling, and contracting
    • Coordinate participation in the American College Theatre Festival
  • Coordinate Season Planning
    • Facilitate planning for both Main Stage and Lab Season
    • Insure planning is within talent, time, manpower and financial resources
    • Develop a season to serve the educational needs of majors
    • Develop a season that enhances student learning and the University Mission
  • Facilitate artistic assessment
    • Arrange and facilitate responses from the American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF)
    • Arrange and facilitate external peer reviews
    • Facilitate post-production reviews with faculty, students, and staff
    • Facilitate rehearsal observations and individual feedback sessions
    • Participate in the production planning process
    • Attend production meetings
  • Coordinate all front of house operations
    • Develop and coordinate all promotional materials including season brochures, mailers, ads, flyers, postcards, posters, press releases, photos, and press packages
    • Supervise scheduling of all media advertising and distribution of print advertising
    • Supervise box office management staff
    • Oversee box office operations
    • Host seasonal receptions
    • Greet guests
    • Handle customer service issues as needed
  • Coordinate audience development activities
    • Develop and coordinate educational programs, cultural diversity events, and other special programs

Major accomplishments of Bradley University Theatre between August 2002 and July 2012:

  • Presented over 300 performances of 65+ productions, including musicals, classics, new plays, children’s productions, and innovative intermedial productions.
  • Hosted over 60,000 audience members
  • Completed successful audience development / promotion campaign that increased audience from 6,143 (2002) to 9,971 (2003) – a 62 % increase in attendance.
  • Computerized Box Office Ticketing System (2003)
  • Bradley University Theatre’s production of Angels in America selected one of the top arts events of 2006 in Central Illinois by Peoria Journal Star
  • Hosted internationally acclaimed performances including
    • The Dell Arte Players – The Golden State (January 2005)
    • Leslie Lewis Sword – Miracle in Rwanda (October 2007)
    • Hosted national recognized guest artists including:
      • Jim Guy – Prop and Weapons Master – Deathtrap
      • Brandt Pope – Director – Hamlet
      • Joel Weisman – Director – Servant of Two Masters
      • D. Terry Williams – Director – Translations
      • Chuck Davis – Dance Choreographer – The Odyssey
      • Sandy Kaufman – Dance Choreographer – Cabaret & Company
      • Alyssa Ravenwood – Mask Maker – The Odyssey
      • Eleni Snell – Make-up Designer – Dracula and The Adding Machine
      • Hosted The House Theatre of Chicago in a two-year residency to develop and present an original adaptation of Pinocchio (2008-2010)
      • Hosted, Jeff Wirth, Interactive Performance Artist as Slane Scholar in residence (2010-2011)
    • Developed and presented Globefest: a celebration of International Arts and Culture tying Theatre,, Music, Dance, Food and Lectures together to raise global / international cultural awareness for our students – February 2004
      • Bradley University Theatre’s production of The Odyssey
      • Costas Costanas – Greek National Theatre –performance of Ancient Voices
      • Orpheus Dance Troupe – Greek folk music, costumes, history, and customs.
      • Hellenic 5 – Traditional Greek Music
      • Ralph Allen – Lecturer on The Legend of Oedipus
    • Active participation in the American College Theatre Festival
      • 30+ Productions entered as associate entries
      • 4 Productions entered as participating productions
      • 50+ Student performers selected to participate in the Irene Ryan Competition
      • 5+ Student designer participated in the ACTF Design Competition
      • Anton In Show Business selected Regional Alternate 2006
      • Last Night of Howard Burchard – competed for the John Cauble New Play Award
    • Achieved national recognition for innovative intermedial productions (Detailed below)
      • The Red Tie Gala
        • Awarded the Case Silver Award (National)
        • Awarded the Case Gold Award (Region V)
        • Alice (Experiments) in Wonderland (Jan 2008)
          • Awarded the 2008 Orion Learning Award of Merit
          • Toronto Globe and Mail
          • The Chronicle of Higher Education
          • Live Design
          • The Adding Machine (Feb 2007)
            • Awarded the 2008 Internet2 IDEA Award
            • Discovery Channel News
            • Backstage (East and West Coast editions)
            • Chicago City Arts Review
            • Live Design
            • Southern Theatre
            • The Antigone Project (July 2003)
              • Educause, Volume 28, Number 2 – 2005

Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX                                                                    1993 – 2002

                  Associate Professor / Directing

  • Responsibilities include:
    • Head of Directing Program
      • Teach Graduate and Undergraduate courses in Directing including:
        • Directing, Advanced Directing, Script Analysis/Dramaturgy & Period Styles
        • Coordinate 10 – 20 student studio productions each semester
        • Assess student work in area of Directing
        • Advise Majors both academically and professionally
    • Coordinator of Season Planning
      • Facilitate planning for both Main Stage and Studio Season
      • Insure planning is within talent, time, manpower and financial resources
      • Develop a season to serve the educational needs of majors
      • Develop a season that enhances student learning and the University Mission
    • Department Fight Choreographer
      • Train all performance majors in the safe practices of Stage Combat
      • Choreograph all fight sequences in Main Stage productions
      • Train and coordinate all student fight choreographers in Studio work
      • Assess student work in area of Stage Combat
      • Maintain weapons armory
    • Department Advisory Committee
      • Advise the Department Chair on all matters pertaining to the operation of the department including Promotion and Tenure, Tenured Faculty Evaluation, Budget, Personnel, Accreditation, Curriculum Development and Assessment, Conflict Resolution, Department Policies and Procedures, Technology and Student Advising

TCU Faculty Senate                                                                                                                                          1998 – 2002

  • Responsibilities include:


  • Chair-Elect                                                                                                                                             2001 – 2002
    • Serve with the Executive Committee as the elected leadership of the Senate.
      • Coordinate activities of the Senate and Standing Committees (Academic Excellence, Faculty Governance, Student Relations, Tenure Promotion,  & Grievance and Committee on Committee) to facilitate standing and special charges.
      • Serve as an advocate for the Faculty on concerns with University Administration
        • Advise Provost on faculty and academic concerns
        • Represent as Faculty Representative on University Budget Committee
          • Advise Vice Chancellor of University Finance on faculty concerns
          • Serve as Executive Committee liaison to Committee on Committees


  • Chair – Academic Excellence Committee                                                                             1999 – 2000
    • Coordinate activities of the Senate Academic Excellence Committee to facilitate standing and special charges.
      • Present action items to the Senate for approval and implementation
      • Submit reports on standing and special charges to the Faculty Senate

SACS Steering Committee,                                                                                                                         2001 – 2002

  • Responsibilities include:
    • Serve with the Steering Committee as the appointed leadership for the reaffirmation of SACS accreditation
      • Coordinate activities of the SACS Committees (Institutional Purpose, Institutional Effectiveness, Educational Programs, Educational Support Services and Administrative Processes) to assess compliance with SACS standards for reaffirmation of accreditation.
      • Recommend to University Administration opportunities for improvement
      • Vice Chair – SACS Educational Support Services Committee
        • Assist Chair to coordinate activities of the Educational Support Services Committee) to assess compliance with SACS accreditation standards in areas of responsibility
          • Library, Learning Resources, Instructional Support, Information Technology, Student Development Services and Intercollegiate Athletics.

Advisory Board – Center for Teaching Excellence                                                                          1999 – 2002

  • Responsibilities include:
    • Advising CTE Director on Center initiatives and faculty needs
    • Mentoring early career faculty

Commission on the Future of TCU                                                                                                         2000 – 2001

  • Responsibilities include:
    • Assist with the members of the Commission on the Future of TCU to develop a vision of the future and a strategic plan to move the University to national and international prominence
      • Fine Arts Strategic Planning Committee
        • Serve as an advocate for the Faculty of the College of Fine Arts
        • Assess Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to the College
        • Develop a strategic plan to move the College to the “Next Level”

Fort Harrod Productions, Harrodsburg, KY.                                                               1993

Interim General Manager

    • Responsible to the Board of Trustees for the operation of the historical drama The Legend of Daniel Boone.
      • Responsibilities include:
        • Administration, budget, endowment, fund raising, grant writing, personnel, planning and assessment, facility oversight, promotion and publicity, box office, customer service, audience development, special programs

Island Center for the Performing Arts, St. Croix, USVI                                            1991 – 1993

Managing Artistic Director

  • Responsible to the Board of Trustees for the operation of the 1200 Performing Arts Center
    • Responsibilities include:
      • Administration, budget oversight, budget planning, endowment, fund raising, grant writing, personnel, season planning, strategic planning and assessment, scheduling, contracting, facility oversight, promotion and publicity, box office, customer service, audience development, educational programs, cultural diversity, and special programs
      • Produce a 10 – 12 event cultural performing arts season
      • Direct 5 productions a year

Bristol Riverside Theatre, Bristol, PA.                                                                             1990 – 1991

Production Manager

  • Responsible to the Artistic Director for management of all production elements for a LORT Season
    • Responsibilities include:
      • Production administration, budget oversight, budget planning, personnel, season planning, production planning and assessment, scheduling, contracting, facility oversight
      • Direct 1 –2 productions a year
    • Responsibilities include:
      • Administration, budget oversight, budget planning, fund raising, grant writing, personnel, season planning, scheduling, contracting, promotion and publicity, box office, and audience development
      • Produce 2 to 3 productions a year

Theatre Alfresco, State College, PA.                                                                                 1989 – 1991

Managing Artistic Director

Hollybush Opera Festival, Glassboro, N.J.                                                                      1986

Production Manager

  • Responsible to the Artistic Director for management of all production elements for the season
    • Responsibilities include:
      • Production administration, budget oversight, budget planning, personnel, production planning and assessment, scheduling, contracting, facility oversight
      • Stage Management

Related Leadership / Management Experience       

 U.S. Navy         1977 – 1983

  • Supervisor – Nuclear Weld Shop, USS Simon Lake (AS- 33) 1993
  • Nuclear Repair Technician (NEC 4953) Certified 1978
  • Highest Rank: Second Class Petty Officer